
Monday, July 15, 2019

It's Been a Month Coming....

I post about loot boxes and gamer burnout and crunch, and I get views but no commentary.

I post about LOTRO's potential successor, and the comments come out of the woodwork.*

So, what'll happen when I mention about some of the updates coming out tomorrow in SWTOR?

Such as quality of life improvements to F2P and Preferred players, such as an increased credit cap, an extra quickbar, and free Medical Probe/Quick Travel?

Oh sure, SWTOR fans have been discussing this for almost a month, but still these changes will make the F2P and Preferred lifestyle more bearable. Now about that bank space thing....

I kid, I kid. But on FB you'd think that people were jumping off of tall buildings because they couldn't remove their helmet without paying a few Cartel Coins for the privilege. But I do have to admit that it is better than the "This game sucks!" and "We want KOTOR 3!" and "What, this pile of trash is still around?" that I see in frequent comments about the game.

Trolls just gotta troll, I guess.

*Relatively speaking. It's a pretty quiet place, here.


  1. They are good changes, but I'm afraid the credit cap increases won't be that effective in another month. While it does help folks buy things sold by vendors I suspect things on the GTN will continue to be priced out of reach of F2P and Preferred players.

    1. I've no doubt of that, but my primary focus is on the extra quickbars and quick travel. Those are the important changes, in my opinion.
