
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Real Life Intervention

I realize that as gamers, it's easy to focus on games or the entertainment world to such an extent that the real world is some other place way on the other side of the galaxy.* But there are times when the real world intrudes and you have to pay attention.

This past week has been one of those times.

I know this has gotten airplay as far away as Deutche Welle and NHK (Japan), but there are people who still haven't heard of the wildfires in Alberta, Canada. The wildfires, fed by a perfect storm of weather conditions, forced the evacuation of the entire city of Fort McMurray (80,000+ people). While the latest reports said that most of the city was saved, there has been a high personal cost.


Fellow MMO blogger and Blizzard Watch columnist Stacey Landry, who uses the name Vidyala on her blog Manalicious and webcomic From Draenor With Love, has family personally affected by the fire. Her brother, Matt Landry, and her sister-in-law, Aileen, lost their home to the fire.

To help her brother and sister-in-law get back on their feet, Stacey has created a GoFundMe campaign to provide some assistance. If you can, please help by visiting the site and helping to spread the word.

Matt and Aileen's Lost House Fund by GoFundMe

*Or ocean. But still reachable by flightpath. 

1 comment:

  1. Huh! I had seen something on Facebook about people losing a house to fire but didn't realise that this was such a major event. I'm notoriously bad at keeping up with world news... best of luck to those affected.
